Employment Services

Employment Services consultants provide expertise and resources to job seekers, employees, and employers that promote the successful inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing people in the workforce.


Our Employment Services consultants specialize in working with individuals who have identified hearing loss as a barrier to finding or maintaining employment. Staff is fluent in American Sign Language, English and French, and work alongside individuals in their preferred language or mode of communication (speech reading, sign supported speech, text).

man on roof applying shingles with hammer
Woman working in a food truck

Consultants work with job seekers and those who are currently employed to:

  • PREPARE for the demands of a new workplace
  • Provide INTERVIEW skills training and preparation
  • Assistance with RESUMES, forms and applications
  • Introduce effective COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES
  • Provide accessible JOB TRAINING and/or coaching
  • ADVOCATE for equity and accommodations in the workplace
  • Obtain FUNDING to purchase necessary assistive hearing and/or visual alerting devices (including hearing aids and cochlear implant processors), interpreting or notetaking services.
  • Offer MESSAGE RELAY between Employers and Employees


Employment Services consultants work with Employers to provide access to a skilled and diversified workforce.

Consultants work with Employers to:

  • Provide PRESCREENING of candidates and referral of qualified individuals
  • Offer transitional employment support services such as JOB COACHING, interpreting or notetaking services for interviews and JOB TRAINING
  • Suggest workplace accessibility STRATEGIES to remove communication barriers and ensure safety
  • INFORMATION on reasonable accommodation guidelines for culturally deaf, oral deaf, deafened or hard of hearing candidates and employees and relevant legislation
  • Sign language CLASSES for employees working alongside culturally deaf staff or consumers (fee for service)




Man with Down syndrome in a suit working on a lap top computer

We believe that with the right support, tools and strategies, employers can find the right candidates for job opportunities in your organization or business.